Me and Jac

Friday, December 19, 2008
So today after school Jeri asked me to run an errand and of course i said yes. so i was going down by gold gym right by my house and it was snowing really bad and very slippery and i was making a right turn onto red wood and the car in front of me turned and it started spinning all over the place so of course i stopped or i would of hit the car in front of me and i stared to slide so i tried stopping so the car behind me was going about 5 or 10 miles an hour and hit me. It was so scary i didn't know what to do so i pulled into golds gym and got all her information and she got mine. But i was so irritated with her she was pretty rude even though it was her fault. but anyways it was in Jeri's car and it didn't get a lot of damage the bumper is just cracked. And my neck and back kind of hurt but I'm OK. So that's my exciting story. Merry Christmas!!!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
hahah i tried to change my blog up a bit but i dont know how to change the back round thing still learning... and i wanted some christmas colors so thats why i chose red and green just wanted to let you know!! oh and let me know how you like it and if you dont like it thats ok i was really sick of my old one. and not much is going on right now just school.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sorry the computer hasn't been working but yeah i got my license a while ago so i've been using carols car and driving to school. But im trying to get a job to save up to get my own car cause i think that would be so much easier and so jeri makes me run errands alot now but i dont mind it to much cause it keeps me busy when i have nothing else to do. And so thats about it thats going on right now. i'll try to keep you updated.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sorry of those who are confused or anything about my license well i get it Nov. 6Th and i am super excited about that! Oh my gosh and guess what i get my braces off this month the 30Th i was so happy when the orthodontist told me I couldn't stop smiling all day! Oh and i know its annoying when poeple dont update so i will try and do it more offten. And when i get my braces off i will put a before and after picture so you can see the difference.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Sorry i haven't updated in so long i have a really boring life right now. I'm just waiting for something to happen. Well tonight we have a pretty big game west Jordan against bingham they will most likely win. Well i get my license really soon November 6Th i am super excited! and then i get my braces off in December so these next couple months should be pretty good!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Well on tuesday was my birthday and i am finally 16 i have been waiting forever! So im starting school soon i am kind of excited to have something to do everyday, But i still have stuff to do before school starts so i better hurry!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Memory lane
memory lane....
Let's take a trip down Memory Lane....Do you remember when?
HeRe ARe tHe RuLes:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot. Anything you remember-it can be funny, sad, weird, awkward, random, etc...!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.
3. If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all.
4. Consider this a Tag: if you've read it, you have to do it!
Well not much is going on i stayed at jeans over the weekend. To go to a funeral it was really sad! but I'm glad i got to go to it. And i had fun hanging out with Jenna we went running one night and bike riding the next night it felt good working out I'm going to try and do it for the rest of the summer which isn't much longer but oh well it will be easy! But I'm not really ready for school to start so i hope the rest of summer goes by really slow.
Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008
Lampton days
So on Saturday was lampton days and it was OK but it was alot funner when we were kids. But all i went to was the breakfast and dinner, and the dance ha oh and Jamie i saw Adam there he looked Pretty cute! If you guys don't know Adam he is my boyfriend! Jk hes just some kid in grandmas ward which i use to be good friends with him when i was younger but its so funny to watch all the girls in that ward they all like him and they follow him around and stuff. But to bad he likes me!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Um... i don't really have much to write about cause nothing really exciting has happened. But me and jacque go swimming just about everyday it gets kind of boring but its something to do. Oh and tomorrow is my driving test and I'm kind of nervous about it. I really hope i pass it but i think i will do pretty good on it i hope. And i have to parallel park which i thought was going to be way hard but surprisingly its not that bad its actually pretty easy.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Well on Thursday i had drivers ed and i had to drive on the freeway. I think i did pretty good but my teacher kind of scares me! But i don't really think he likes me very much and he was super nice to the other kid in the car who has really greasy hair which makes me sick every time i see him! So i think my teacher was maybe just feeling sorry for him. Oh and i am just dieing to go on a vacation I'm hoping to go somewhere in the next couple weeks.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Well yesterday me Alexis, Onika, nick, Jerry, Isreal, Jeri. All went to the gateway to see the chalk festival. That's were artists compete with their chalk drawings. There were some way cool drawings but it was SO very HOT! we thought we were all "MELTON" oh wait we all are. ha ha I'm so funny. And then we ate then after we all went to Jeri's and went swimming it was very Refreshing but it was pretty fun and i think everyone had fun! But then Isreal cryed when he had to go home.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Im back
I'm back from youth conference did you miss me? Well it was pretty fun it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. The first day we played water games and that was fun! And the next day we just played a lot of different games and i got a good workout! And some color so am pretty tan. But I'm glad to be back home.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Not a baby sophomore anymore!!!
On June 4Th was my last day of school and boy am i happy! I'm so glad it is summer now and I'm no longer a sophomore YAY!!!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Here I Am
I'm Chrissy and I'm the funniest cousin of all. Jenna and Jessica had to go to a rainy girls camp. So SADDDDDD!!....
I'm new at this so be patient with my blog.
I'm Chrissy and I'm the funniest cousin of all. Jenna and Jessica had to go to a rainy girls camp. So SADDDDDD!!....
I'm new at this so be patient with my blog.
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